We’ve partnered with Humber College to launch a mentorship program that pairs brokers with students from the college’s Insurance Management Program.

We’re looking for brokers of all experience levels who’d like to share their experience and help guide students who are eager to step into insurance—your opportunity to help foster recruitment into the broker channel.

If you’re interested in participating, complete this application and we’ll pair you with a Humber student based on the information provided. The only time commitment required is a face-to-face meeting by the end of April. Otherwise we’re leaving mentors and mentees to decide on the structure of the relationship.

We recently visited Humber students to let them know about the opportunity and promote the broker channel as a career option. “We wanted to give these students a low-pressure way to get a glimpse behind the scenes at a brokerage before going through the formal process of applying,” said IBAO COO Brett Boadway. “Students seemed incredibly enthusiastic and genuinely appreciative.”

Humber Student Varsha Shetty posted on LinkedIn: “This is incredible! What better way to learn about the industry than from our very own experienced professionals. Looking forward to this.”

Humber Student Yao Joann Zhou wrote: “Thank you IBAO for this great initiative! It will help us know more about the broker world and make a broker role our first choice when we finish our studies in April.”

As announced at #IBAO19, we’re also working with Humber to provide a bursary covering the cost of the RIBO exam for students interested in obtaining their RIBO license. At the end of our presentation, we asked students to express their interest by a show of hands.

“I have been convinced that I should totally become a broker,” wrote Humber Student Apurav Bharti. “All thanks to the amazing partnership between Humber College and the Insurance Brokers Association of Ontario.”