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How To Start a DEI Initiative
DEI Inclusive Hiring Practices
OHRC Courses: Working Together & Call It Out!
Getting Started With DEI
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How do I access my course?
Log into your IBAO account and click on the Learning Library Tab. You can see all the courses you have enrolled in there
I can't access my course / my course progress is not saving properly
Internet Explorer is not supported, and courses will not display correctly. Please use either Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge
How do I print my accreditation report to submit to RIBO?
1. Launch www.ibao.org
2. Click Log In (top right)
3. Enter in your Username and Password
4. Go to the Participation Tab
5. Click Your Accreditation Report
6. Enter the date range required (first date must be before you registered for the course and the last date can be the day you completed the course or the current date)
7. Click Report
8. Click the PDF icon to download and print -
I finished a course, but it still shows as INCOMPLETE
There are several possible reasons why this occurred.
Consider the following:
1. You had multiple tabs opened for the same course when you were completing it.
2. Your WIFI may have disconnected momentarily during the course
3. You clicked on exit before letting the final animation complete at the end of the quiz
4. You are using Internet Explorer -
I finished my course, and it shows COMPLETE, but I cannot find the credits in my accreditation report
Please wait 30 minutes after completing your course to allow our database to refresh. If you still do not see the credits, consider the following:
1. Have you completed the same course within a 3-year period? If so, hours will not be awarded as you cannot earn CE credits within 3 years of completing it
2. When choosing the start and end date, make sure the interval accurately reflects the timeline of when you registered and when you completed the course.
For example, you registered on December 2, 2021, but finished the course on February 3rd, 2022
You need to put those two dates as the start and end times.
If you still have trouble finding your continuing education hours, please email education@ibao.on.ca
Why is course registration unavailable for me?
It may be because your account is listed as a non-member or a student. Please check to see if the course you are trying to enroll in is open for your account status. If you are a member, please ask your brokerage administrator to add you to their roster list or have them send an email to our membership team at membership@ibao.on.ca