
Trufla – Make the Most of Your Digital Leads

Course Description

With more and more customers turning to the digital world to research and purchase insurance, it’s key that your website and lead follow-up process be optimized to cater to these potential leads. This course provides some good tips and tricks to ensure brokers are making the most of their online leads.

At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
– Decide how best to cater to online leads
– Identify ways to increase your chances of converting online leads into customers
– Describe why online leads are different from other types of leads
– Explain why a professional website needs to be more than a brochure
– Explain the value of a robust lead follow-up strategy

Recommended For: Decision makers and those involved in digital marketing or maintaining a website.

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Free for
Date Added: December 23, 2019
Location: Online
Accreditation: 1 Professional Development Hour
Facilitated By: Trufla Technology
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