
Mitigating Stress And Its Effects

Course Description

The environment humans live in has changed dramatically in a short period of time while our physiology (the structure and function of hormones, our stress response, and our nervous system) remains identical to that of our primitive ancestors. Understanding what happens in your body when coping with everyday stressors can empower you to make simple changes to improve your overall health and mitigate the detrimental effects of stress.

Following this course, participants will be able to:
– Describe detrimental effects that stress can have on hormone balance and mood
– Identify the ways in which hormones are influenced by the stress response
– Develop actionable strategies that cultivate resilience (both mentally and physically) while under stress
– Recommended for: Anyone with an interest in learning about how stress affects health and wellness.

IBAO Members Only

Note: Do NOT use Internet Explorer to take this course. Chrome, Firefox or Safari are compatible.


Free for
Date Added: March 8, 2021
Location: Online
Accreditation: 1 Professional Development Hour
Facilitated By: Dr. Marnie Luck N.D.
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