Within the insurance brokerage community, we view this day as an important opportunity to educate ourselves on the rich history of Indigenous Peoples, and advance the shared responsibility we all have in building stronger, more equitable economic and social relationships.

As part of that commitment, IBAO and Insurance Brokers Association of Saskatchewan (IBAS) are co-hosting a special, two-hour webinar, from 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. EDT on September 30. Facilitated by John Lagidmodiere, this Zoom-based online session will cover:

- Terminology and demographics
- Common misconceptions
- The history of the Treaties
- The Métis journey
- The legacy of the Indian Act and residential schools
- Cultural protocols
- Conversation on what lies ahead.

This event is free for all IBAO members.


Free for IBAO Members
Date: September 30th
Time: 3:30PM—5:30PM
Location: The comfort of your own home or office
Accreditation Hours: Not RIBO Accredited
Facilitators: IBAO & IBAS featuring John Lagidmodiere