Our 17th annual Young Brokers Conference marked our return to in-person events for the first time since 2019—and achieved a record-breaking turnout.

The event offered young brokers the opportunity to network, attend workshops and hear from some of the industry’s top executives. The focus was on reconnecting, leadership and getting young brokers interacting in person again, encouraging connections, questions and engagement. Young Brokers had this to say:

“This has been an amazing event. The takeaways that I have going home is incredible. I am so happy I was able to come to YBC!”

“I loved the keynote—I had a tear in my eye and his story was so inspiring. I can’t wait to hit the ground running when I get back to the office on Monday!”

YBC by the Numbers

  • 150 Young Brokers in attendance for the entire conference, making it the largest YBC to date
  • 34 Exhibitors
  • 5 CEOs from key insurers